Б1 Енглески - тест 1
1. My friends __________late on my wedding, it had already started.

He is a talented actor. He _________his mum.


You drink ___________coffee! You should really stop it!


Carol and Tom ______________when Jon ___________in the river.

5. Mike ________his files when he was cleaning his desk.
6. My pre-employment assessment will be finished _________four weeks, then I’m going on a long vacation!
7. Singapore is a very __________country. A lot of people go there to start their business.
8. I don’t know how to play squash and ___________.
9. She was preparing our coffee___________she burned her hand.
10. Someone ____________my wallet!
11. He _________quit drinking alcohol.
12. When I was kid, my mother told me to __________my youngest brother.

He ___________his glasses!

14. We didn’t go ___________this summer. We were too busy with work.

If we__________a better car, we _____________ through Italy this summer.


If John _________the alligator, he ___________away fast.


Last week I ______________a basketball match, when suddenly my friends________.

18. __________ this film before?
19. That’s the castle________the Queen lived.
20. Jenny said that _______________.
21. There isn’t____________sugar on the shelf.
22. My dog is __________than yours.
23. Where _______ these leather jackets sold?
24. The plane _________in twenty minutes.
25. There were only five dogs in the _____________, but my dog came third.
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решених квизова у нашем Кутку знања.

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оглашених конкурса у последњих годину дана за потребе државних органа широм земље.

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тестираних кандидата у последњих годину дана за потребе конкурса широм земље.

Хвала што посећујете

Кутак за кандидате

Служба за управљање кадровима